Sunday, June 5, 2011


Dear Rozelle,

here's a daily mindset for you...

love your body;
your cellulite,
your athletic calves & "thunder thighs",
love your thick, uneven eyebrows,
your stretch marks,
love your big arms (kinda),
your not so flat stomach.

love your ability to make decisions using your head rather than the heart,
love your bluntness and straight to the point comments,
your unflappable personality,
love your (almost) non-existent sense of humor.

love your hard-headedness,
love your analytical mind,
your literal, explicit, and logical way of thinking.

love your dysfunctional and bruised heart,
love your obnoxiously loud laugh,
your awkwardness,
love your indecisiveness.


love you.

love your flaws.

FLAWS are admirable.. YOUR flaws are admirable.

it’s what makes you YOU.